
What to do against trademark counterfeiting?

‘Million Loss by counterfeit versions’ , ‘Counterfeit cost industry billions’ , ‘Fake Stuff Morocco are worth billions’. These are just a few titles of messages on the Internet about huge losses by fake stuff.

Many big brands are the victim of , for example Ugg Australia and Burberry are copied widely . This fake stuff costs companies millions of dollars . The total costs of the industry even billions , as can be read in the above titles. But the big question is , what can they go against this?

To fight trademark counterfeiting in the textile industry and to authenticate the products  a woven RFID tag can be the solution.  In every single product  a chip contains a unique code that refers to a database. With this chip can douaniers scan without opening the packaging to verify that the goods correspond with the information from the database.

If this is the case , you know immediately that these are genuine articles, otherwise it appears counterfeiting and the articles can be removed immediately.

RFID-labels against counterfeiting!

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