It takes a long time to make his creations for the finishing Fashions show at the Royal Academy of Fine arts in Antwerp. Designer from Canada, Devon Halfnight Leflufy, made some great creations with the fabrics made by EE Labels.
The audience loves Devons creations and clapped their hands together for the young Canadian designer. Also the jury could appreciate his collection; He won the international jury award and he became second best student of his year with the great collection.

Especially about the creation with the Hollywoodfabric the jury and other people were very enthusiastic. Some shops in de big cities in the World are interested to take the creations into their collection. Also the press calling Devon all day.
Devons first contact with EE Labels was about a year ago, while he has an internship at Joost Jansen, assistant-designer at Walter van Beirendonck. They liked the fabrics of EE Labels and brought Devon in contact with us.
The intensive contact during the year resulted in beautiful fabrics which he made to even more beautiful creations.
Here some more images of the fashionshow in Antwerp (click on the image for bigger rending):