To make the user of your product, a contented user of your product. That is obviously the goal that you have as company. This can be friendly sales staff, good help when the consumer purchase the product or good handling when something is wrong.
But you can also stay involved if the customer already using your product or just want to start to use. By adding Augmented Reality in your label, you can using layar add an extra layer to your product, which you can help with using your product. Customers The client uses the smartphone and get through the application layar the ability to request more information.
What do you think of an explanation of how to wear a band or brace, or how that can best do its job. You can also create a stain remover where you show the customer how to get a certain spot in the fabric of your sofa. With Augmented Reality in your label, you can give this information to your customers and keep in touch with your consumer, even if he or she is already out of the store .