
Microtrace in the news

Manufacturer of taggants for explosives, brand protection and product authentication weigh in on taggants in explosives debate.

In the aftermath of the recent Boston Marathon bombing tragedy, the debate over using taggants in explosives has come back to the forefront. It’s not a new debate. it’s been ongoing for over 30 years, resurrecting every time a bombing occurs. Experts from Minneapolis based Microtrace LLC were recently interviewed by KARE 11 News and Fox 9 about this on-going debate.

The company, which employs 15 people, is currently spending time finding new ways to use taggants to track items, and they can already be found in unexpected places — like labels inside jerseys because brands are trying to protect against counterfeits. Yet, Microtrace still holds out hope that taggants will eventually be used to track all explosives. Although they don’t plan to jump into the political lobbying game, they are open if others want to take up the cause.

Microtrace also delivered the thread for our RFID-labels for brandprotection. As you can see on their website and in the movie below, you can do al lot with Microtrace. Also with partner Textrace EE Labels tries to be the number one in RFID-labels.

See the movie:

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